- 12/01/2021
Submission Briefing with MoH
The submission briefing was held with MoH virtually via Zoom to give them a better understanding on NEA and to encourage them participate in NEA 2021 for category 1 and category 2. With a cooperation given by the MoH, a total of 48 participants attended the briefing.
- 13/01/2021
NEA 2021 1st Submission Briefing
NEA 2021 1st Submission Briefing was held by NEA Secretariat to explain and advocate company on NEA 2021. It was held virtually via Zoom with a total of 304 participants taking part at the submission briefing.
- 20/01/2021
NEA 2021 2nd Submission Briefing
NEA 2021 2nd Submission Briefing was conducted with the same objective as the first briefing. It was held via Zoom with a total 186 participants attended the briefing.
- 26/01/2021
Submission Briefing with MIDA
NEA has joined hands with MIDA to explore participation from factories under MIDA. The submission briefing was held via Zoom and was attended by 18 participants.
- 27/01/2021
NEA 2021 3rd Submission Briefing
The third briefing was held to give opportunity to companies who haven’t attended any briefings that was conducted before. The 3rd submission briefing was held via Zoom and has entertain 114 participants on their interest to take part in NEA 2021.
- 02/02/2021
NEA 2021 Report Preparation Workshop (Category 1 (a) Energy Management)
NEA 2021 has conducted a Report Preparation Workshop with the participants who have registered in Category 1 (a) Energy Management. The purpose of this workshop is to help and assist participants in preparing their report via Microsoft Team with the help from Energy Commission’s technical experts. Participants will have a one-to-one session with the technical experts to discuss on their report. A total of 17 participants has take part in the workshop.
- 26/01/2021
NEA 2021 Carbon Calculation Workshop
NEA has conducted a Carbon Calculation Workshop with the cooperation from Advisory & Consultancy Division in MGTC to educate and teach NEA 2021 participants on how to calculate the carbon calculation. The knowledge is important to the participants as they need to include the carbon calculation in their report. This workshop was attended by 101 participants via Microsoft Teams
- 26/01/2021
NEA 2021 Report Preparation Workshop with MoH
The participations from MoH has increased since the briefing conducted with the hospital engineers on 12th Jan 2021. The Report Preparation Workshop was conducted with the participants from hospital to assist and help them in preparing the report. A total number of 34 participants from hospital attended this briefing that was held via Microsoft Teams. This workshop also applied the same method as the 1st Report Preparation Workshop where participants will have a one-to-one session with the technical experts from Energy Commission to discuss on their report.
- 26/01/2021
NEA 2021 Report Preparation Workshop (Category 1 (b) Energy Efficiency)
Report Preparation Workshop was conducted via Microsoft Teams with the participants who are taking part in Category 1 (b) Energy Efficiency. The purpose of the workshop is to give guidance and advice to the participants on their report. The workshop was attended by 16 participants.
- 11/02/2021
NEA 2021 4th Submission Briefing
The 4th Submission Briefing was held to advocate and encourage company who haven’t attended in any submission briefing before. The last submission briefing was held via Zoom with a total number of 27 participants interested in NEA 2021.
- 25/06/2021
NEA 2021 1st Submission Briefing Special Awards Sustainable Energy Financing
Submission Briefing Special Awards Sustainable Energy Financing was held to invite banks and financial institutions to take part in NEA 2021 under category Special Awards Sustainable Energy Financing. The purpose of the briefing is to inform the potential participants on the criteria for this category. The briefing was held via Microsoft Teams with a total of 55 participants from various banks such as CIMB, RHB, AMBANK and many more.